Finally we have made a decision to add one more gadget in our life..
Jgn pk bukan2 tau...It was my last-long addiction, and desire with: DSLR!
I thought we will end up buy Nikon D3100...But the promoter (well as usual they will promote their product more than others!) insist and persuade us to buy Sony Alpha 33..
Mula2 mls nak lyn...Ye la...Hati dah jatuh hati pd si Nikon then dia pndai2 suh beli Sony..
Then dia tunjuk Sony..Dia kutuk si Nikon lg...Dia puji melambung si Sony...
Then kad kredit my Blub pon ter'swipe'...LOL!
There's a lot of feature in this type of Alpha...But please...I won't have time to elaborate it here...Anyone interested to know more about this camera please click HERE
So...I think my life is complete now!Ops...belum lg...I need a house then my life completed!
No more picture from handphone I guess?=p
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
1 Drag some ideas:
belum lagi.. u r going to need a hubby to live with u in the house and soon the kids to fill the spaces in the house! hahaha
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