Addicted to this kind of dress lately..

Hallo guys..
Mata masih ngantuk lagi..Semua gara2 Breaking Dawn semalam..Huhu
Btw, I was really frustrated with Malaysia-Cinema-Censored-Control..
OMG, kalau part yang blue-blue I do understand, but part orang nak beranak pon dia cut?
Damn it..Semua orang komplen tau x..Agak2 la..Klu nak cut sangat baik x yah bawa msuk wayang..
And kalau takut sgt budak2 msuk tgk, just make it only for 18 and above la!
The movie was awesome but when the best/nervous/exciting part wayang dh cut, overwhelmed and overjoyed of the movie was gone!
Huh! Nak bli Blue Ray pas nih..Ke kna cut jugak scene2 yang x spatut nya?Dang!
I shouldn't go watch the movie last nite.. What a waste =(
When he can't be contactable by me means; he was far-far away from the land..
I will do something that can keep me remind of him every minute!
That is so pathetic..
Mesti korang nak muntah hijau dengar I asyik cte pasal laki yang jauh di ocean..Haha..
Nak wat cana..Ni blog tempat meluahkan rasa masam,manis,masin..HahaGosh..
Another 2 days, we're officially married for 6 months..Sob sob..
Kesimpulannya jangan cari future husband keje oil n gas..Nak nagging pon x boleh..Tapi bla wat silent treatment dia ckp x blh jugak..
Tapi jumpa kadang2 pon elok gk..Laki I yang kurang romantik pon blh jd romantik bla da jumpa..Haha
Sabar2..Lagi 2 minggu!
Meleleh siot air liur..
Ok..Baju ni mmg bes ok..Sexy tapi sopan..Camana tu??
Korang g jenguk blog ni gak...Kedai Lalaland ....Sabo je aku..Dahla gaji bulan ni half je dapat..Oh tabung suami ku..
Since I was officially being a housewife, I have plenty of time to do everything that I want such as sleep more than 6 hours per day, more time for beauty and healthiness, and more important thing is more time to my blog!
It’s a good experience ever! Being a housewife even though my husband is not around and I wish for those engineers out there who have been working like hell, please give a treat to your mind and body!
It’s a good thing tho, when I woke up in the morning my mind is empty.
But I didn’t waste my degree certificate just like that.. Perhaps by early next year, I will start working back..
My husband chosen not to comment anything and I just proved to him that being a housewife is helping him to save the budget. Pe kes plak laki aku yang save? Sebab gaji engineer mcm aku ni tak penah ckup even bonus 2 kali stahun..Haha
So, it was my free time and I went to sightseeing at Taman Rekreasi Bukit Jalil area..
Gosh..I never heard New Town Coffee before? Anyone?
Baik korang mengucap banyak2 sebelom baca entry kali ni..
I just started browsing for latest update through my FB wall and you know what was the thing that retard my mood? Gulp..Gosh..
Ada jugak perempuan tak malu macam nih??OMG..
She was naked for God sake..For entire Nauzubillah Album!
Come on la..I know it's your FB after all but hey..Please la..
Save it in your nude-private-album ok?
But surprisingly there's more than thousand people like the picture!
Ok..mata ngantok gila..
Jam menunjukkan jam 1.40am..
Dasyat nya aku malam ni..Selagi x jumpa apa yang aku nak slagi tu la aku xnk tido..
Pas gayut ngn hubby slama sejam lebih tadi..Aku start cari nama member dia; Zaim..
Tapi x jumpa kat FB dia..
Then try carik awek dia punya nama plak..Khairunnisa..Great..Lagi aku x jumpa..
Halimunan ke apa 2 org nih..Penat doh..Sampaikan aku siap carik 1 by 1 friends hubby aku..
Xkn aku nk kejutkn dia dr tdo (klu dia tgh tdo skrg) semata2 nk suh cari FB kwn dia tu..
Great! Terseksa nya macam niiii....Then I tried googled my own name and the result was magnificant!
Banyak kot yang aku jumpa..Macam2=p
Issshhhh....Mana celah la aku nk carik minah ni..Geram...Sok abis la hubby aku..
Carik sampai dapatttt!! Ya Allah..Manusia apa kah aku ni..Stalker bagai nak rak!
Geram sbb hubby slalu cte, cte and cte..But the thing is I couldn't remember which one is Khairunnisa..And also his boipren which is same class with me during matriculation!!Better go to sleep girl!
Sebelom muka ko naik jerawat..Huhu..
Nite all..Love ya..
Tak ade yg menarik pon dgn tarikh ni..
*Sob Sob*
I wondered when my husband will coming back! Baby come back to me!!
What a life.. Everything seems no right for me..
I felt so miserable. Being alone. Without my husband.
I always hold this principal when it comes to love.
Hi guys..
I discovered something today..
Polka dot memang glamer dari dulu lagi..
My current favourite song which I intent to sing it at Karaoke Box later~
Hallo guys..
Salam..Hi guys..