Last weekend we headed to Dewan MPK Klang to attend my sister's friend wedding..

We all sampai awal..Around 11.40am? And of course we haven't take a breakfast yet at that time!
Lapa punya pasal kan..Salam2 then trus makan..
Great..We saw the invitation through Facebook, majlis 10am till 2pm..That's why we are rushing..
Kot2 x sempat..Tau2 sampai jam 4! Pfft...
Sanding plak jam 1pm..
Luckily the place was very near to Jusco Bukit Tinggi and GM Klang..
According to my Papago (GPS) , 930m je nak pegi GM Klang dari Dewan MPK Klang..
So, back to the track, we end up jalan2 kat GM Klang and cuci mata a bit!
The wholesale place was huge! Siap ada 6 pavilion!=p We didn't managed to get anything from there.. Dapat kepenatan bejalan je la kot..
I was thrilled when I enter the hall..Since last time when I married, I xde Arch ni..Hihi
The door gift..Susun rapi tapi x dapat pon..We managed to get the gold paper bag which there's a Kuih Bakar inside..Nyummy!
Bla..bla..bla..xtau nak crita apa..But I chosed the table..Depan sekali..Amik kau...
Pelamin..Orang x ramai pon time we all sampai..And we managed to eat peacefully and greedily..Haha!
See? How hungry and emotional him? It proves that we didn't take any food for for breakfast! Haha
The Dato' and Datin =p (My sister and her husband) Me? Single..I mean I was single on that day..My husband was not around..Sob!
It's my portion but I did get the 2nd round! Haha
Yes..That's the fatty and 'gediks' blogger..Me! Yeah! I have to admit here, in my own blog that I'm fat! God!
There the bride and the groom..My sister said; her friend didn't took any rice in her meal for 3 months straight! I wish I can do that!
When I flashed back to our wedding last few months, everything's turned out very smoothly and normal like other couples wedding. Except for the wedding dress of mine, which completely spoilt my mood!
Ok..Stop..This is other people wedding story..Haha sorry guys..
By the way, Congratulations to both of you Nurul Nadieya and Muhammad Alief!
You guys looked gorgeous and the food was awesome!
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