Hallo guys..
I know that it's a middle of a hot and sunny day and some of you might searching for something that can peace your mind for a while..
I don't know if you receive the email regarding these funny pictures!
Enjoy the pics guys!
I am truly sorry if one of the pictures were you, your siblings, your family or your friends! I just want to share with other people here because it really makes me smile and laugh! Chill ok?

Ayam tgh rehat2 tapi di buat Kabsah Chicken!

Erm..No komen..=)

Aren't these 'women' very special?

I'm not going in!


I pernah guna spectacles je kot? Tapi ni? Haha

Ganas siott~

No komen..Haha

Seriously bus? Don't you have any other place to park? LOL!

You kidding me huh? Haha.. But the lappy so nice..

Errr..No Komen

Haha Creative!

OMG..Over load!

No komen!

Seriously?Only 1 person??

Haha nice! No need to buy Ambi Pure!

This is no funny at all cause I use to put my hp like this all over the time while driving!


What brand the goat using huh? Pierre Cardin perhaps? Haha


Please..There's no shit in your class..=)

No komen..He's cute! Haha
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