I always hold this principal when it comes to love.
"Put yourself a quarantine to think about the incoming new love before you take it into your jar of heart"
Maybe it's only a puppy love, or maybe it will become a true love!
Dah kawen2 pon still nak cerita pasal cinta..Buang tabiat apa..
By the way, I can't throw away this memory; It happened while I was in the first year of university..So let me shared with you guys here ok?
Duuuu.Duuuuu.~~ Music please..Before I start! Haha
Erm. If anyone who read this know who is the guy that I mean with, please,please shut your mouth off! Haha..Nanti buka aib plak..
I met this guy during our orientation week.
Dia kira ok la..Just time tu xde prasaan..Yela..1st time duduk kat semenanjung ni..Malas nak becintan cintun..
So, nak di pendekkan cerita that guy keep following, asking me if I want to go out with him, and he really annoyed me at that time!
So, finally I bagi chance la kuar ngan mamat ni kan..
Naik kereta sewa (normal la kan?) Dia drive, I duduk sebelah..Then member dia 2 org dduk belakang..Laki..
Pastu I tgk dia bawa mcm x betol..Dlm ati mls nak layan..Pastu dia stop kt stesyen minyak.Nak isi minyak..
Dia komplen yang stereng kete begegar semacam..So, pas isi minyak dia suh kwn dia drive. I tgk member dia bawa ok je..Obviously that guy driving with Gear 1/2 je kot? Haha
And then..handphone dia bunyi! So, I tgk..waaahhh hp flipped tu! Time tu kira mhl la kan..Tau2 ada password..Dia tekan2 x boleh..Dia suh member dia buka password..Ok..That's not his hp..
And then dlm ati; Whudda?nak bergaya pon agak2 la..Haha..
Ok..that's it..Back to the topic!
Why men have a tendency to cheat? I just don't get it..I mean you don't have to do that..You don't have to look rich, to look good, and to look perfect in front of the girl..Acting kind of superior and incredibly smart will shows how stupid you are!
Kalau x kantoi xpe..Kalau kantoi? Sia-sia la pompuan da x mo nak kuar ngan korang..
Bukan nk burukkan dia tapi jujur lagi elok dari cuba menyembunyikan kelemahan yang memang nyata kan?
Then on my 2nd year I met this guy..He know how to tackle me, he was honest, and he know how to treat me like a princess by providing me a happiness. He's a final year student tho. Both of us are using PTPTN to live at university. So there's nothing to show off!
Kuar pon byr sendiri2 ok..
And he's the man that I married with, until now and forever (InsyAllah).. So far he didn't have any secret or hidden story behind me.
If a men cheating on you just because he want to look good for you, I think you better knock off from the relationship..If one day, their secret revealed both of you will get hurt!
I always write a love story here whenever I miss my husband so much..Bila dia nak balik ni..Huhu..
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