Today is Monday...and I have several items and things to tell in here...It was about my journey to the center of earth..ops...Brunei Darul Salam...
Yesterday (Sunday) I followed my father to Brunei...(Lumapas) because he had some business there and he need to see that man asap..
I really don't want to follow...*sigh*
What on earth will I doing there? Hurm...
So pity with my father...he need a backup driver..Sometimes when he feel fuzzy, pening lalat he can't drive more.. That's why my service really appreciable at that moment=p
Crap...Stop it..
What I can conclude from this travel, hurm...;
1] Bruneian house such a incredible design and constructed! Seriously...Bet me you will trust me when you at there..=p They seems like very wealthy and rich...Everybody!
2]Bruneian house used air-conditioner at all times... We can see all houses are close like there is no one else inside the house...Hurm...But the truth is...They are using aircond..What the hell will they going to open their door ryte?
3] Common House But Luxury Cars!- Here's the thing... When I went pass to every houses, there are some houses that look very common. I mean their wood house..Umah kayu..But if you all see at parking side, or kat dpn umah dia...Fulamak...Hehe...Mostly Merz I tell you...
What else?Erm...I am look like doing advertisement=p Its ok then..Who knows? Sultan Brunei will give me some allowances next time?=p
4] Then the road.. Here we go..When you are driving is Brunei country..You don't have to worry about the crack...the lubang2 berpeleseran like Sarawak's road. I'm really salute the Road Management at Brunei..Maybe their country is very small and they can maintains their roads asap...
What else? I don't know...But for me...I really hope I can get the chances to work at Brunei..It looks like the country is very peacefull and I can enjoy their money changers very well...=p
Because of I haven't transfer my picture yet..I just show you one of the house at Brunei...I one the house...=p
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
4 Drag some ideas:
Salam ms_coci. I have to say this is a witty blog. Thanks for writing about Brune. Truth is some parts of our roads do have potholes and they have been there for donkey years.
You are bruneian?Sorry If I said anything harsh about your country...-)
Brunei DARUSSALAM... ini bukan malaysia dgn selangor darul ... perak darul... etc...
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