Dear...Love me or Love me not?=p
Flirt.....Crush....Smoulder....Infatuation....Danger...Passion....Temptation....Reckless...Deception.. All of this can turn your life upside down... Is that true?
I don't know and I don't have idea about that....
But..... I think it is true...
Eventhough you are single, widow, married, parents to be....all of this situation can really makes your life devastated, dreadful, irritated, with other people and also with your life.. Is it?
Ermm... Why I'm talking about this thing today?? Maybe it is just because I miss someone? My boo boo? I need someone to listen to my story telling.... But its not a fairy tale story...Its not about Cinderella also....
* sigh*
Our last meeting was on 11th Nevember 2008. And now it was really closer to 4 month since me and him getting far and far away.. Damn it! =p
Why on earth I'm talking about this today? Let's relax and rock and shake my body a bit now... (with an action by Sin Chan)
Why I'm acting so strangely to anyone lately? it must be because I miss my Dude~, because I'm not be able to shopping, watch movies, eat fining dishes, cuci mata kaw-kaw, and what else? The huge conclusion from all of the symptoms is because I don't have enough entertainment here! Oh My God... How humiliating it is... Ryte?
Stay away from my friends.... My enjoy time.. My wild time.. And whateva just burm like that...
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