11:00 AM

Stuck and Psychology~

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

My life doesn’t changes eventhough I am closer to the end of my industrial training. Nothing surprise happen between me and my life; I mean my work and my mentality of this L.I things…

I wish my life could be free… I can live and be anywhere in the world. I can be independent from routine (industrial training) and not answer to anybody? Who can make this happen? Obama? =p JK…

My inspire to be an engineer lost and disappear just like that. I knew that most of my friends restless and maybe some of them think that I made a right choices to be in government sector. I know it was very fun and happy and relax to be in government sector. It will be very interesting if you are studying a cooking course, jahit menjahit course in university. Don’t get me wrong but rather than relaxing in the office start from 8am to 5pm in the office, I preferred to work non stop everyday as long as I can get some knowledge and I can learn new things in engineering..


I am too emotional if it comes in this topic. You know why? Because we (my friends and me) study very hard for exam. For me every semester I really try my best to get more A’s in every subjects. Even it will be impossible at least…I am tried.. And the result always makes me happy because in 7 semester in university only once I got 2.86 pointer. And the rest? 3.0 and above.

Alhamdulillah… Yes I know..But what happen now? Isk… I just feel like I put my knowledge, my studies, my engineering brains inside my stomach. Because if I sit any exams of any subjects related…I will mati katak=p

I won’t blame anybody especially my father. I know he’s the one that turn me blurred like this…If I won’t listen to him than I can make me L.I at other places… But what happens in the past could be better in the future.. I hope so..


People deceives themselves and play games with themselves. I know..lying to others is bad enough..told everyone I am really happy here..but lying to yourself is hopeless..Like my condition now..Hehe..=p

Don't be psycho dude=p

2 Drag some ideas:

Aida Narina said...

You are such a good inspiration to yourself. I think if you prefer to change, then you should go for it. For me, life is a great opportunity to try out things that ill never realize the end results. You go honey! :)

Ms Coci~ said...

Thanks for your concern..Love it..hurm...Sometimes we don't know what happen next..If I can predict and expect everything..everything goings to be alright huh?=p Love ya
