Bosan....X g mn2 ari ni....
Ptg2 maen gem....Maen gem 2...gem ni....
Tau2 ada Tua dtg umah....Mintak anto dia g hospital....
Poor her....Ceret Beret dh bbrp ari.....Jln pon senget=p
So me n my mom and my 2 sistas went to hospital....
I toook a lot of pictas.... But I'm not transfer it yet......
So i update later la yah....Mish my frens....X saba tunggu pos laju Krismas dr zu...
Hehe.... Any postage send to me just like my dream come true....
Gambo kt kenduri Akikah my n my kazenn=p
I just don't get it...what on earth am i doing there???=p
As usual...slalu buat aksi kiut..pdahal jd minah weirdo...:-)
Well...I'm not the only one being a weirdo that day..It's my lil sista..
On my way to office this morning.....look very dummy=p
Please stop being a weirdo kosh!=p

There is no image that can prove I'm going to hospital that day.. Because I'm just trying my best to find my own happiness there seems like Limbang does not have any entertainment like my old times at KL and Kuantan. Its ok then....I should be thankful for giving a chances being a human. Not a cow or anything. Hehe...Crap!
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