Kadang-kadang ada orang yang tak puas hati dengan kita....
Either kita terlampau berjaya or dorang jeleszz or any reasons that sekutu dengannya...
Chill out babeh.....
Dia menang ke...aku menang ke...engkau yang kalah it's a nature of life...
I don't know what to say...Just visit this blog and you will know what happen...
Kesian kepada yang jadi mangsa dan kesian pemangsa....
If I put myself on Hanis shoes right now maybe I will do the same...
I'm not sure....
Anyway...change the topic please...
Tomorrow my lecturer will coming here but seems like his flight will be arrived on 4.30pm+ alang-alang la nak jumpa...Ofis tutup kol 5pm
I will see him on Friday, though..~
Preparation? Don't know...Maybe dah maybe belum....
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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