He likes me doesn’t he??
People out there will familiar with this article as long as they opened Yahoo.com
Love to read this kind of article. Tak bermakna I’m one kind of frustration person…Bercinta…Putus…Bercinta…Putus…Haih…
[1] He actively takes an interest in you and what you have to say..
This kind of guy really concentrate of what you want to say, or what have you said. Dia dengar apa korang cakap…Dia tanya soalan yang berkaitan..Dan paling best sekali dia akan kaitkan cerita yg u all cter time next dating.. Its mean korang x buang air liur sewenang-wenang cte kat dia…
[2] He’s forthcoming..
He wants you to know about him…Everything! Dia share personal details tentang dia ngn korang…DOB, POB, lahir kat kete ke…kat umah bidan ke..Dan generally paling-paling koman dia bagi no fon, no fon ofis dia, mana dia kerja..Kalau dia tak bagi, ertinya dia xnk korang tracking him down..(not as easy as tracking a parcel isn’t it?)
[3] He’ll mark his territory
He won’t pee on you or anything…Ada laki nk kencing kat korang??Nadah~ ryte?? Pengotor nya laki tuh..Kalau semata-mata nak buat korng ingat kat dia. There was a bunch of ways to make a signature on their love.. Example; slipping an arm around you, hold your hands tightly, gave a kiss..Goodbye kiss or maybe welcome kiss. (Muslims never do this..Perhaps=p)
[4] He calls you back
If you’re a girl in demand, he will do anything to get through on line with you.. Dia col sebab xdok kerja laen..That’s a good sign tho.. Phone should be a good investment to tackle him. No need to shy shy cat speak about your truthfully feelings..
[5] He’ll check you out
You’ll face out his spy skills in a good way. He’ll talk to your friends to get information about your family, your past, present.. Isn’t it sweet? He’s doing homework just because he wants to impress you… Nanti korang pon akan cakap…X sangka dia sanggup buat mcm 2…Huh..
[6] He’s flirtatious
Ahaaa….This one no need to explain more because guys always get playful around women they like.. Tapi..based on this article.. the more you play, the more he stays.. Girls out there…it means guys more love to see his women ‘jual mahal’..Sort of..
[7] He’s always planning ahead..
If he digs you, he won't want you getting away from him. To make sure you aren't prey to some other guy, he'll be making plans for the next date before the current one is over. A full calendar is a good sign. Hahaha…Kalau full calendar dia nak planned utk kita mampus…Baik dia jd PA kita…
So…for those who have a partner like above Thank God you will have a happy ever life..
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