Waahh...9April-14April...Short time!
The reason went to Peninsular was: Anta report to UMP...But then...on 10April morning g UMP..Jumpa lecturer pon x..Suma meeting (not my fault=p) Then ptg tuh trus balik...
Not my fault at all... huhu..jumpa kwn pon x..
On the way to KL singgah Bukit Tinggi...jalan2...cuci mata...
Then balik KL singgah Studio 5 at Ampang for dinner...My sister always said pagi mkn sn mesti jumpa artis... Not at that time...hurm..Ujan lebat kot...
On 11th April went to Alamanda..Mr Blub asked me to bought tickets wayang...
[1] Jangan Tegur (Seriously org heart attack jgn tengok...terkezutt all the times)
[2] Fact and Furious 4 ( Besh & Ok la)
[3] Talentime ( x tgk pon...bazir duit je bli tiket...dizzy and fuzzy)
On 12th April went to KLCC Pc Fair....Mr blub shopping sakan la..Celcom Broadband ( for me!), notebook skin, etc la...
The place was really crowded and yeah org di KL memang la ramai...huh...Sakit kaki jln and we and up at Little Penang Cafe..lunch..The food is least my tummy can grow up an inch..=p
Pastuh ingatkan nk tgk wayang...But I asked him to lepak inside Kinokuniya...=p Free reading..Ok what..
On 13th April I was planned to shopping at Mines but then malas...
Pegi One sister send me to there and I waited for my Mr blub abis kerja..his office only near by and he can fetch me on time..
Dating again...and OMG.. =p
Best nya jalan2....nasib x stay kt KL everyday..if not my Mr blub will going to bankrup...
Let pictures story everything in my journey.....

Airport in actions=p

Off style yellow t-shirt; my sister said like Saloma..

1 Drag some ideas:
siyes mu xleh duk
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