2:16 PM

Vote for beauty

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |


Received sms from my sister;

"Guys, vote for me here..http://webpopular.missmalaysiaindianglobal.com..sms frm bk"

You all can vote for her and her name is Tryambikai..She is a lawyer and part time model...She was really gorgeous and brilliant and i love her outfit!~~OMG

She was really kind person and humble..!!Miss her

Just a simple way guys...Just click and give your contact details...

I know you all mesti curious...Lawa sangat ke dia?Ok...I amik gmba dari web tu...Then you can judge by yourself either she can win the Miss Web Popular or not.....

This is her....Vote for her ok!.~~

1:58 PM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |


Yeark! Bau la my baby (car)

I tertumpah ai MILO kat driver seat...Banyak plak tuh...Bau dah seminggu x ilang...bayang je la bau basi...Eeeeeeee...

Macam2 cara dah buat...tadi siap basuh kete sendri lagik...perfume dah up kn dosage..febreeze..siap beli arang lagi...aih....bila bau nk ilang ntah..

Masuk2 keta dah pening pala...=(

Nak termuntah...Yark!

Ermm.....Tuka topik...sudah la dengan topik yang menjengkelkan itu..=p

Wahh...Next week is my convocation day! Happy Convo to Me~~~Lalala...

Start cuti on Friday (cuti lagi) 2nd Oct..till 5th Oct...Isk....

Nak bunga (roses 100 kuntum), bear, famous amous bouquet, pe lagi eh...percutian 3 hari 2 mlm...bla...bla...bla.....=p

If he read this entry wahh...konfem x abis baca dah tutup blog..ntah2 shut down lptop trus..=p

Jangan jahat macam 2...I tau jaga la=p I knew it..you must be jelous in maximum volume sbb u tak dapat g konvo dlu kan?Sian....Tu la...Laen kali tngkap ikan agak2 la masa...=p


After met his parents everything must be under their control...

Nak jumpa pon susah...Apa lagi nak ngedate...Ayoyo...Susah....susah..

Counting days....

8:48 PM

Kuasa Tuhan

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Ok...dah lama x jd busy body...Jadi tukang informer..

But for me ignorance is bliss...ignorance is good but not this kind of news...Benda ni bukan terjadi kat negeri kita...Kat America sana...Here is the topic;

Expecting 2 baby but not twins

What does it means?? Pregnant women get pregnant....2 times pregnant...Wah...Macamana iteww?

"Women conceive twice in 3 weeks. When the women had ultrasound, they saw 1 baby developing...And then they know there are another young baby developing inside that might be not a twin because of different time consumption. "

So it means 1 child 2/3 weeks behind from another child..

Exactly never happens before...Why? Kuasa Tuhan....Subahanallah...Tapi cana dia during labor time? Sorang dah 9 months 9 weeks kua...then another baby??OMG idk....Few scientist think that this kind of pregnant was related to animal consumption..How on earth this can happen to human?

See? I baby bigger than another...fetus I guess...=p

Whatever it is we can't avoid our God creation...Maybe ada hikmah di sebalik nya sekiranya benda ni berlaku ke atas kita.... This case might be risky to second baby or the mother too..

Hey....Need full video about this matter just click here

Source from Good Morning America Health..

8:37 AM

Today's Eid

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Raya ke-4 ari ni kan?

And now I'm sitting in the office! Oh...It's not COOL!!


Haih...Only me and chinese specky guy here in office today and in the same time the rest of human was still in holiday...Bapak semangat gue pegi keje..=p

What to do...Di sebabkan hal-hal x kecemasan aku tersadai d KL..So sad..=p Xpela...Raya berdua ngan akak...bukan sorang2 pon...Isn't it?

Raya 1st at Kemaman..Raya 2nd Kemaman again...Raya 3rd Paka (Pantai Timur again=p)..

Why?How?When? There's a lot of question in your mind and in my mind also why on earth I spent my pleasure (should be) time at Pantai Timur??

Well...I will point my eldest sister's face for those questions...Hehe


Ok...Back to the track....Raya 1st xde salam2...Xde semayang raya pon (teruknya)..

See? Jeans and blouse...Terrible...=p

Berlatar belakang kan bilik hotel yang murah tp quality mcm taraf 5 star kat KL..Serius..You better try ah...Maybe living cost at there was lower then here...

Lapa nye...Teringat nasi minyak kat umah mak mertua (in 5 years more perhaps) time jalan raya ari 2...Sedapp...

Ok...then raya kedua g jalan umah member kt Kemaman and Kuantan...

Ni kat umah Yana (UMPian) and her niece was super cute! Rambut dia origin blonde (her mom is Pakistan anyway)

Kena hidang kambing biri-biri kat umah dia...Hampeh...punya la byk mkn...Thanks Yana

Ni kat umah Zubed (UMPian gak) her niece kuat makan! Like the one who hold her=p

And yesterday I went to Kuala Terengganu with my Mr Blub! (excited~) Jao...b4 tu g beraya umah Mr Blub and met his parents for the first time...Wahh...They (his parents) want to meet my parents during my convocation next week..I dun wan!!!!

It's too early nyah~~ Xnak la kawen awal..Ugh..Nyesal plak pegi umah dia=p

Beraya umah nik...Dia makin kurus dan ini sudah x adil! Jelez...=p

Ni makanan di hotel...Bantuan dari sape2 yang sudi menghulurkan sumbangan...Sedih x bunyi!~ JK k....Have fun & enjoy your raya!!

12:16 AM

Kesedihan Melanda

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Erm....Hari Raya x bleh sedih2...I knew but I can't avoid that...

Finally bole gak tulis blog..Guna Mozilla Firefox can't get through blogging..

Malam ni pegi downtown Cheras g.. Mostly every night pegi downtown la...Pegi Jln TAR la...Sume gara2 hubby yang baru dapat gaji yang baru masuk banyak

My Mr Blub dah kat Melaka...Hopefully dia bergumbira kat situ...Memang dia gembira pon..Isk..


My current mood sempena Hari Raya yang mulia ni;

The Time Travellers Wife book~

This lovely novel is about love transcends time.. How to become very/dmn faithful wife to disappear husband..

Clare and Henry in the book and Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana in coming movie..Can't wait for this movie! This movie will release on 1st Oct...~

If you all married with the person like him (Henry) how on earth are you going to face it? He can disappear anytime, anyplace without notice…Isk…

Esok da otw ke Kemaman...Nak jumpa mak mertua...Ops...Future mother in law..Perhaps..

Mish him....

Happy Raya to all....I think this year ramai yang pakai tema baju raya color torquise...It's a nice color tho.. And of course saya dengan dia memilih color yang sama eventho dia beraya jauh dari I..


Enough and stop complaining...It's your fault...Sekarang ni mari kita bergembira bersama orang-orang yg ada..=p

Salam Lebaran...Makan Lemang banyak2...Maen mercun banyak2...

8:20 AM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Raya datang lagi....Emm

Taun ni stay dekat KL. Sedih siot!~

Momi, I love u..

Today is 15th September. Lagi 5 ari nak raya...

Xtau nak pegi mn..But because of kekasih hati jantung pengarang dah beli baju raya (2) for me I don't know if I have a chance to refuse him not to follow him balik kampong...


Ookeh......Rasa nak tgk wayang malam raya....hari raya pertama tgk wayang lagi....raya kedua tengok wayang lagi...=p

Maybe it can help me distract my feeling not-to-raya...~


Tengok la macamna....Wish me luck...I'm not into stay-at-other-people-house....

8:08 AM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Visited to Park 7 yesterday; my GM ordered..Fair Face Concrete that we have supplied...And the building was damn, damn awwww!

Unfortunately, Dato Siti n Dato K tak beli umah kat sini....Denga2 dorang beli kat The Oval Suites...Ops...

Actually we (me and my click) only allowed outside-took-picture but because of the guard pilih bulu (because of my click in same kampong with them) they allowed us to pusing2 the building...

Wahh....Seriously cannot afford to stay here even 1 night?=p

The guard told us rental price for 1 empty unit was RM14K/month and for unit with furniture RM30K/month....

Tu baru bilik cikai2...Kalau penthouse brp la kan?X mo denga...!~~

Architect called this building as "Banglow in the Sky" but we called it as "Non-Painting-Building". You know why?Because the concrete that we supplied is became their skin of building..It means they appreciated the beauty of natural materials! Free-for-all colors....

I wish I can get this lovely permission again when the Troika started open for their customer..

Jom tgk gamba lullaby....=p

See me into the sky~


Guard's cam whore...Posing sana...posing sini...x malu=p

X dpt stay xpe..Pegang tiang pon jadila~

Swimming Pool at level 1

Ko org Muar?Kpg mn?Eh?Anak sapa?Hehe....

Owh...me under the sky~

Best part of the building...Good impression for new visitor..

Till then.....The building looked a bit sexy with the excellent combination with fair face concrete and glasses....

Any one interested to berumah tangga here? Please do not call me=p

8:19 AM

Work Impression

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Since I worked in YTL, I found that we had supplied for Luxury condominium, High rise Building, and etc such as KLCC Tower, Menara KL, KLIA Airport, ERL Train, Park 7 Luxury Condominium, and so on....And I tell you A LOT!


So today I'm going to tell everybody about new luxury condominium in KL that will be trademark in KL...

The condominium was still in construction and me as QC engineer can walk in to the site anytime..=p

Its not like that actually..But our GM asked me and the rest new engineers to have a look the new expensive building (dalam ada jakuzi beb) because the concrete that we all supplied was very special...!~

"This may be a princely sum for locals, but for Malaysians who have entered the hall of fame and fortune, it is still a property worthy of their stature."

Source: Here

Frankly speaking I'm still cannot imagined and visualized the building but what I knew all the building will be covered with glasses...Awwwwww....Sexy man...Aha aha...=p

For those out there who thinks you are afford to live in this gorgeous building beside KLCC with a superb view at night why don't you give a try? Haha....

Dari sources yang di percayai, around 60% unit dah sold!Omg!!

See? I represent you all Troika (yang x siap g..hikhik)

See? Wah...Don't try to naked yourself at home during night keh..=p

Later I'm going to go there and take some pictures for my GM...Maybe he want to make some advertisement for this Troika Luxury Condominium like I do...=p

Jom....ramai2 dduk dalam condo ni....!!!~~

9:45 PM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Terasa nak makan asam...

Tau x asam kat ne? Kat Genting Highland...Jauh x?=p

Bgtau kat hubby dia cakap nak g Genting cakap je la...Xyah nak bg alasan nak makan asam..

Kejam betoll....X leh wat laki kn?=(

Anyway xtau plan nak pegi mn time raya ni..kesian...merempat...

Any suggestion??=p
