Ok...dah lama x jd busy body...Jadi tukang informer..
But for me ignorance is bliss...ignorance is good but not this kind of news...Benda ni bukan terjadi kat negeri kita...Kat America sana...Here is the topic;
Expecting 2 baby but not twins
What does it means?? Pregnant women get pregnant....2 times pregnant...Wah...Macamana iteww?
"Women conceive twice in 3 weeks. When the women had ultrasound, they saw 1 baby developing...And then they know there are another young baby developing inside that might be not a twin because of different time consumption. "
So it means 1 child 2/3 weeks behind from another child..
Exactly never happens before...Why? Kuasa Tuhan....Subahanallah...Tapi cana dia during labor time? Sorang dah 9 months 9 weeks kua...then another baby??OMG idk....Few scientist think that this kind of pregnant was related to animal consumption..How on earth this can happen to human?

See? I baby bigger than another...fetus I guess...=p
Whatever it is we can't avoid our God creation...Maybe ada hikmah di sebalik nya sekiranya benda ni berlaku ke atas kita.... This case might be risky to second baby or the mother too..
Hey....Need full video about this matter just click here
Hey....Need full video about this matter just click here
Source from Good Morning America Health..
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