Visited to Park 7 yesterday; my GM ordered..Fair Face Concrete that we have supplied...And the building was damn, damn awwww!
Unfortunately, Dato Siti n Dato K tak beli umah kat sini....Denga2 dorang beli kat The Oval Suites...Ops...
Actually we (me and my click) only allowed outside-took-picture but because of the guard pilih bulu (because of my click in same kampong with them) they allowed us to pusing2 the building...
Wahh....Seriously cannot afford to stay here even 1 night?=p
The guard told us rental price for 1 empty unit was RM14K/month and for unit with furniture RM30K/month....
Tu baru bilik cikai2...Kalau penthouse brp la kan?X mo denga...!~~
Architect called this building as "Banglow in the Sky" but we called it as "Non-Painting-Building". You know why?Because the concrete that we supplied is became their skin of building..It means they appreciated the beauty of natural materials! Free-for-all colors....
I wish I can get this lovely permission again when the Troika started open for their customer..
Jom tgk gamba lullaby....=p

Till then.....The building looked a bit sexy with the excellent combination with fair face concrete and glasses....
Any one interested to berumah tangga here? Please do not call me=p
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