Raya datang lagi....Emm
Taun ni stay dekat KL. Sedih siot!~
Momi, I love u..
Today is 15th September. Lagi 5 ari nak raya...
Xtau nak pegi mn..But because of kekasih hati jantung pengarang dah beli baju raya (2) for me I don't know if I have a chance to refuse him not to follow him balik kampong...
Ookeh......Rasa nak tgk wayang malam raya....hari raya pertama tgk wayang lagi....raya kedua tengok wayang lagi...=p
Maybe it can help me distract my feeling not-to-raya...~
Tengok la macamna....Wish me luck...I'm not into stay-at-other-people-house....
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
2 Drag some ideas:
U stay KL for raya? Kalau its abt work, then it will be fine :).Tahun ni kita rasa kesusahan, insyaAllah tahun depan murah rezeki :)
By the way, i pon nak tgk movieeeee malam raya. Hahhaaa, i memang bila raya, hantu tv, hantu movie! Mak/nenek ajak raya, i prefer stay rumah alasan siang tadi makan banyak sgt, dah xeh gerak! ;p
Jin Notti? Momok The Movie? I belum tgk lagi Final Destination 4! ;p
OMG! It's not about work at all=p
Its ok la..Jin Notti? Final Destination 4? Dah tgk! But a bit short la..Diff with 1,2,3..
Harap2 taun dpn murah rezeki..Xtau la nak g mn raya..Isk..Dgr takbir je KL da banjir=p
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