Erm....Hari Raya x bleh sedih2...I knew but I can't avoid that...
Finally bole gak tulis blog..Guna Mozilla Firefox can't get through blogging..
Malam ni pegi downtown Cheras g.. Mostly every night pegi downtown la...Pegi Jln TAR la...Sume gara2 hubby yang baru dapat gaji yang baru masuk banyak
My Mr Blub dah kat Melaka...Hopefully dia bergumbira kat situ...Memang dia gembira pon..Isk..
My current mood sempena Hari Raya yang mulia ni;
The Time Travellers Wife book~
This lovely novel is about love transcends time.. How to become very/dmn faithful wife to disappear husband.. 

Clare and Henry in the book and Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana in coming movie..Can't wait for this movie! This movie will release on 1st Oct...~
If you all married with the person like him (Henry) how on earth are you going to face it? He can disappear anytime, anyplace without notice…Isk…
Esok da otw ke Kemaman...Nak jumpa mak mertua...Ops...Future mother in law..Perhaps..

Mish him....
Happy Raya to all....I think this year ramai yang pakai tema baju raya color torquise...It's a nice color tho.. And of course saya dengan dia memilih color yang sama eventho dia beraya jauh dari I..
Enough and stop complaining...It's your fault...Sekarang ni mari kita bergembira bersama orang-orang yg ada..=p
Salam Lebaran...Makan Lemang banyak2...Maen mercun banyak2...
Enough and stop complaining...It's your fault...Sekarang ni mari kita bergembira bersama orang-orang yg ada..=p
Salam Lebaran...Makan Lemang banyak2...Maen mercun banyak2...
1 Drag some ideas:
Hye you :). I'm into the book too. Havent hd the time to read it sejak balik cuti. By the way, u have a great journey to kemaman! Drive safely.
Btw, i pun pakai turquoise (and another one is green/yellow) this year. Esp if i can match it with pink - love it. Due2 kaler is suka ;p
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