With a pills in my mouth I'm pushing myself to start typing this entry..
Dah tua macam2 penyakit...Haih
Me time? Actually the meaning of that is single-with-boyfriend-at-offshore....
I've been suffered with this gastric thing since I'm back from Sarawak 2 weeks ago..
Now I was surrounded by pills, many types of liquid..Grrrrr..
And to make it worst, I really looks like a 5 months pregnant lady.. Damn! My stomach was bloated to the max! I don't know why..
But what I can say is since I ate the various type of pills, erm...ermm....I tak berak langsung!!
But...please do not stay closer to me because I'm making a 'gas' more than 20 times/day and it was really really really stinks!!!! Yeark
Ok..stop with this dirty entry...
Anyway...Me time for today is survey the new handphone...(Again?)
I don't like having the different hp with my Blub...He's asking me to install WhatApp which not available in my hp...
Maybe I will suggest him that I need Blackberry too=p Then we won't have difficulties to communicate? Hihi
Pas balik dari laut okeh...~
Speaking of balik dari laut...Ermm...We plannned something..
Which is a plan for our future..*Blink*
After he back from offshore he's going meet my parents along with his parents..
Oh...And now I'm start looking and browsing the wedding things to get some ideas for my baju pengantin...Kuang3x...
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
2 Drag some ideas:
omgeeeeee... lg sorg kawan aku nak kawen! ;DD bile? bile?
biarlah rahsia...
nnt aku habaq la kt hang
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