Hi all...Read my topic please..
Recently I'm searching a good job for my father since he's not doing anything after retired from gov servant..
I'm not a person that easily fell in love with MLM/any downline business with a big amount of modal..
But tonight I found the correct business for everyone with only RM85.00 modal!
Damn it...
I love this business...Pulangan dia kurang lumayan...Xla smpai 10k pon per month keuntungan dia..
Yela..tgk la modal brp..But they focused on vacation..Next month is Dubai vacation for two!
Next year? Paris babeh!..I want it!
The business is not base on cari orang semata-mata because if you purchase the product more, then you will get the money more...
Aiyah...I don't care la...We all are the consumers...Everybody is going to use it..
And I'm going to put my whole family as my downline...Hoho...Kot2 dpt rezeki p Paris taun dpn...
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
3 Drag some ideas:
bisnes mende kak? nk ikot pi paris!! ke merancang nk pi honeymoon?? haha
ape honeymoon plak...ko pnah dgr barangan Amway x?klu x ko search la bp juta brg dia ada..
dia kira mcm jd Amway distributors la..klu ko bli ko dpt komisyen..
lumayan doh..
ko nk x?kita g paris nnt..hehhe
nk pi papaparis woo.. pnh dgr dlu.. mcm ne tb2 ko tertahu psl ni? hehe. ade gune produk die skg?
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