I'm the one who grown up with a skin problem in my family...
No matter how expensive product I bought before, it will come and exist in another part of my body..
I asked one of my friend last night on how to prevent my skin @ taking extra care to my skin without leaving any scar in the morning...
The first thing I saw when woke up in the morning is a scar..And it hurts me a lot while bathing..
What I want is only my skin becomes smoother and attains a quality that is amazing to look at..At least when I look myself in mirror...I have no intention to show off my whole body in blog=p
Back to my friend advised me before;
She ask me to apply moisturizer to my body..Whole body before sleep...
Is it going to work? I'm giving a thought on which product I should try on..
L'occitane? Vaseline? Murad? Or taik lembu? =p
But hey...Org dulu2 used to apply the taik lembu at their body...No wonder orang dolu2 kulit halus mulus kan?
Anyway...I'm going to try all of it..
I don't want to keep this depression by myself..
Everybody wants to be pretty....
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
3 Drag some ideas:
mun jdi bgtau kmik which product the best:P
going to try everything?? fine.. kalo berkesan pon taik lembu tu, sile xpyh bgtau aku. haha
aku tau korng akan komen entry ni...
taik2 je korng tertarik..
So sweet...tp serious ah..nk try taik lembu..
nk cri kt mn supplier ah?
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