I think I'm going to gain more weight this week..I can't get rid from the Bit & Bites kueh raya..
Oh Raya...=p
All the while from my trip back to Sarawak until now I have plenty ideas to speak on but I have no strength to write here..
I'm not in the mood...PMS maybe..=(
But I have thousand of pictures which I love most to share with here..
Feelings of mine is indescribably when it comes to family things..
Last year I x balik kpg...So what I know is when I reached home, I'm giving a thought moving out back to my hometown..I feel like nak kerja kat kpg!!
Peaceful with no congestion and I have somebody to talk with...Damn it..
Mari cuci mata~

First lady grandchild in our family...She is boombastic! Princess Mia~

And I just realize my family x ambik gambo raya bersama...Arghh...What on earth are we thinking?Teruk betul...Ish...Erm...It's ok...as long as my mind still flooded with the memories..=p

Argh....Stop this feeling!
Till then...Chow...Have a nice day people...!~
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