I didn't tell you all I'm going to Cherating for YTL team building huh?
I'm not really interested to join the team building seems like my works still in pending status.
And on Friday the site people really ruined my life!
Rasa nak lempang orang kat site...They really cannot understand what does it means with on leave!
I have a plan...Many plans...But I don't want to name it here..It hurts me a lot..
By the way..I didn't have a chance to take a picture from the team building..
Why? My mood is zero. My soul is disappear. Just because site people keep calling me every minute..Shouting like its the end of the world..
I went to Suria Cherating Resort on 15/10 until 17/10.. On Friday until Saturday evening the site people is killing me. I have to finish their shit until Saturday evening. WTF?
And after that I'm switching my pressure mode to very enjoyable person mode!
Swimming sampai x ingat dunia..Dancing...Jumping and most important thing is I can SMILE!
And the result is I don't have a pictures for this entry...So sad!
Erm...Come back my love.! He still in offshore...Dang! I miss him!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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