When you are really have nothing to do after working hours.
Sitting on the bed alone and browsing + surfing the internet as much as I can. Until I have no ideas what I'm going to do again. No pleasure.
I have a plan. Go to lowyatt. Purchase a new antivirus and format the notebook.
But I really have no strength to put my shoes on. I just hate being alone. I need someone!
But 'someone' I had is no longer available to entertain me. I can feel the distance between us. He was changed.
If you guys want to blame me for being so selfish please stop that. I tried my best in these 5 years to understand him. His job actually.
Love is sick and I am totally agreed with that.
If my daughter insist to have a relationship with an offshore guy, I will be the one who discourage her with her relationship.
Long-distance relationship is suck!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
1 Drag some ideas:
ouchh koci.. sabarrrrrr.. there will always be sweetness after all the hard time. (ayat xbleh blah) hehe ;p
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