11:43 PM

When guy talk about color

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Argh!I just edit this entry by using my handphone and what happened is it's gone!


Now I have to put my brain back to the last night ideas.

How hard is that!

And I even forget what I typed last night..!Grrrrr

It's nothing much actually. It's just about a MY MAN.

Guys is simple.Everybody knew it. When it comes to hal remeh-temeh they won't put their mind to think it very deeply.

Last night he asked me about what would be our theme color for our wedding.

I am not interested to talk to him at that moment and yet he still want to talk about the sweet thing huh?

Pancing baik punya...But finally he's the one that really can makes me laugh!=p

He asked me:

Him: "Nak guna color theme apa nnt time kawen?"

Me: "Don't know la...Malas nak pk.."

Him: "Ala...Ada kaler lawa.Apa nama tu, KAIN? KAITEN?"

Me: Out of sudden became interested to listen because of the weird thing he said. "X penah dengar pon nama kaler tuh?"

Him: "Ala..Yang mcam ijau...Tapi macam biru gak..."

Me: Smiling...No more concrete face..

It's a Cyan people...He is so funny sometimes..For those who never heard about this color, you just imagine Celcom color..Same color..

Here is some example with the Cyan color; Pic all credit to Google

I love this very much! Wonder how do I look with this? Hahaha

Pale Cyan color.. Me likey to!

Cute! Must use the corset triple layer..=p

Oh..Nice n gorgeous!!

Oh...by the way..The color also same like kain baju sekolah huh?


But frankly speaking....The Cyan or Kaiten or Kian or whatsoever color it is..I'm deeply in love with it!

3 Drag some ideas:

zeratikah zainal said...

kiten?? muahahahahahaha!
aku suke yg 1st n 3rd. sile tempah yg itu. ;p

zubed said...

kiten?...alolo shewittnyeew..haha...waa you're about to moving to next phase ha...all de best..

zera: usah gedik ek..pakai jer bju tradisional kiter ek...hehe

zeratikah zainal said...

nak gaunnnnnn jugekkkk. huaaaaaa!
