7:37 PM

Updating myself

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Hye peeps...

Sambil menonton Save The last Dance II, I'm start typing through my keyboard..

Well yesterday I went to PJ for Yearly Graduation for my business=p

And it was awesome! I want to be part of it but I don't know if I can or not coz the course will be on Saturday!

The evening was so awesome! With a good presentation by a founder which travel around the world several times!

I want it!

I really hope I can achieve the target by next year...And then I will join everybody to Paris!!

You want it? Come and join me...Yeay!

1 Drag some ideas:

zeratikah zainal said...

save the last dance 2?? ade ek?? xtau ponn.. huhu. aku pnh tgk yg 1st je.
