Praktikal d JKR pun busy?Pelik.....=p
Well....this month will be my busiest-monthly-work-without-payment!
Haih...Ikhlas kan lah wahai hati untuk buat kelija....
I'm not in here to be a respectfully wanton..Oink...Oink...
Busy-busy pon sempat lg ber blogging.....Wajib you know...
Busy kah ini?Nope...=p
Yang ini sangat khusyuk........Srius...Wa tarak maen2....=p
Ni serius....tgh panaskan badan....How??
Maen gem la....!!Gem baru...Baru jumpa actually=p
Well....this month will be my busiest-monthly-work-without-payment!
Haih...Ikhlas kan lah wahai hati untuk buat kelija....
I'm not in here to be a respectfully wanton..Oink...Oink...
Busy-busy pon sempat lg ber blogging.....Wajib you know...

What I felt today??
Humph.....Just felt as though I was missing a vital organ from my half getting silence each day and I don't really like it....Mr Blub...
Is he alive? I hope so.....
Humph.....Just felt as though I was missing a vital organ from my half getting silence each day and I don't really like it....Mr Blub...
Is he alive? I hope so.....
Really hope he can phone me in any minutes now...But... I know that sort of thing will happens to me when I least expect it....
Tungu-tungu x ada.....baik x yah tunggu....Serabai kpala..=p
Tungu-tungu x ada.....baik x yah tunggu....Serabai kpala..=p
2 Drag some ideas:
bizinya ko..lama dh x blog ni..wireless kat apartment slalu tak dpt..kat ofis takut nti bos marah..keep blogging..
Miss ya
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