that can make myself more gumbira....
[1] Maintain your health - Da kot rasanya...ideal what my BMI..=p
[2] Spend some time to rest, do not overwork - Haa....patutla rs depressed sikit pagi nih...2 keja
kedebuk on my head...yeesshhh....
[3] Do outdoor exercise regularly and appropriately - Oh yeah? I will do...later...not on my
office table tho...
[4] Love people around you. When they are happy, you will happy too. - He make me pissed off
last night..How could me happy with that?? :-(
[5] Greet people with a sweet smile - Done....senyum sn....sengih sini....pagi2 lagi..hehe
[6] Forget all unhappy events - I try okeh....I know it was my bad to think all over the
devastated things...
[7] Forgive people who hit, scold, tease, betray or cheat you - Half of it done by few minutes
ago...Thank God.. Other half? Later...Humph..
[8] Care for old people, friends and relatives surround you - Sure....I'll do it later...
[9] Do not demand too much from other people, but demand appropriately according to your
ability - Yess...It was true..I baru reject 1 work from collegeous seems my practical report,
slide x habih buat lg...muka dia masam tross...=p
[10] Do not compare with other people. Always satisfy and appreciate with whatever you are
having now. - Yup...I try again....But I want to go shopping very badly....There's nothing here!
[11] Enjoy your life. Do not waste your time on unnecessary worries and annoyances. - Yeah?
Okeh.....Baik la boss!
[12] Do not slave yourself for money - No I'm not! I slave myself in this office for the
my-ticket-to konvo..For God Sake!
[13] Plan something easy for you to achieve in a short time - What in my mind now?
Shop!Easy? Eating the very fine dining-sedapp.
[14] Spend some time to relax. Let your spiritual be in tranquility by praying to God. - Tarik
[15] Recall all sweet memories that make you feel happy - Ok....Too much lar...Where I should
start..? Hehe
[16] Think positively - Positive? Negative came first in the first place...*sigh*
[17] Learn something new but do not force yourself to cultivate it- Menyulam...buat is that sound?=p
[18] Create something creative, attractive and interesting to fill your house
Joke with friends - Wahh...the problem is my house was in tension mode I be a real clown in my house?=p
[19] Share idea and opinions with other people - Always do....With my beloved cousin and my
Mr Blub...Gaduh pun share lg crita...hehe
[20] Watch your favorite movies, cartoons, soup dramas, comedies and etc - Eeee...ok...I'll do it
after this...Nyummy...Confessions of Shopaholic again...Lalala
[21] Give yourself a present- What present? What kind of thing? Dermalogica was the only
best present I had in this Limbang District..
[22] When you feel down, do self-motivation to boost your emotion up - Ok...relaxing my mind
with SPA Serenity...Hehe...
[23] Pay a visit to orphanage, old folk homes and care for people there as they need your love -
Not exist here in this kind of fully caring folk people...
[24] Be a social worker and help those who are in needs - I will help my mom angkat batu
bata...Is that acceptable?=p
[25] Make friends with other people from the world, and enrich your knowledge with their
cultures, customs and living environments - Really? I will...but how to get close with them?
[26] Stay close to the nature - I will...sleep under the trees....nyamuk gigit pon nvm..
[27] Do not kill or harm any living lives as they are as precious as human lives - Baru pas bunuh
nyamuk n semut tadi...They beat me first....I'm not guilty at all....!=p
Now I will do anything that can make me happy....Source from here....
Then from my horoscope....It said that
'Unpleasant family conflicts are finally fading into the sunset now. Enjoy harmony'
'Unpleasant family conflicts are finally fading into the sunset now. Enjoy harmony'
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