I want to continue my love guidance for women out there that was still confused about their partner commitment to love. For the Part 1 you can read here....
Quite long post but if you can bare to read this through I really appreciate it!
From my previous post I told you about first commitment which is; The Capacity To Love.
But today am going to write about second commitment factor that makes a guy being so seriously with their partner and I am very glad if you can spend more time to read this.
Sometimes we don’t know what on earth are we thinking about our partner but in the same what we are thinking will be far different from his mind.
Second commitment factor: Being Able to Accept Imperfections…
Intellectually, we all know that there are no perfect people and therefore, no perfect relationship.
Same goes with me.. My partner was not one kind of man that can be included in handsome guy. I can accept that..
When I saw him for the first time, I’m not the one that paralyzed in the middle of the street like the donkey who couldn’t choose between the bales of hay. It doesn’t mean that he was retarded! Don’t get me wrong pal!=p
It’s just he was so ordinary in his features and appearances.
“If a guy who isn’t ready starts getting too close to a woman, he’ll look for imperfections, either consciously or subconsciously, to create distance between them and ultimately to give him reason to break up with her”.. This is totally true..
Like Malay phrase said; Tak hendak seribu dalih
Handsome guy can do that I think…Ermm..
But for now on I was really proud being Mr Blub partner..
This will be our 3rd year relationship and he understood my needs 108%. He knows when he can make a joke, when he needs to phone me and always put me in the first place in his journal of life.
Sometimes I allowed him but sometimes I just answered ERM.. Then he will go back home and we will bergayut on the phone hours!
Hehe.. Sometimes I think I will be Queen Control after married him..When I told him about this QC, he said as long as I still can respect him as a husband he doesn’t care if I want to Hantu Jerangkung or Pontianak or King Control…
Hehe.. He was so nice! Nyum1
Wah…I talked much about him today..Y? Because he was on his way to offshore and I will be miss him so much this 2 weeks..
It’s ok then cause I should be solace him at this time.. He being so depressed lately because of managing the project..hurmm
What are you going to pint out there gentleman?=p
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