Aiyak… Seriously facial ni sakit..
I thought facial ni besh je..Tau2 hurm…
I was accompanied my sister; Lynn nk berfacial on Saturday. 3 more months until she becoming a wife..so ni la ms nya dia nk bermanjakan muka… And I pon x lepas peluang..=p
I took pimple treatment punya set..( mcm set meal=p)
Nama pon set pimple..mmg la dia cucuk2 abes muka kan??
Rasa mcm fobia plak..hehe
Anyway my face has a lot of biji kutil?
Yang wana putih tuh… then dermalogica nye pom tu cakap nanti kalau ada doc yang buang biji kutil tu dia col la aku. Tapi kna tahan ckit la… Sakit sikit.. Huh?
Kalau dh dia cucuk pimples aku pon sakit.. Ni dia ckp laser biji kat muka aku lg sakit… Aiyak!!
Tak tahan ooo…
But then my cousin said Dermalogica is a good treatment for pimples.. Humph… Terpaksa lah nih berhadapn dengan nya…Huhu
What to do? As long as I get the perfect figures at my face then I have to be patient with that again even though I need to cry again..:-(

View inside the room.....

My sister at the hujung ( without cotton)

The room is so small but the service is superb! I tell you the truth!=p

I just hope that the lady at Dermalogica not being so fiendish with my face and also during her massage session on my back..
It hurt me a lot you know?? Sob sob…
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