Before I talk about anything here....Today I want to tell the whole world that I am working like a industrial training student today!!
What a day..... Hehe
What is my activity since last week?
Erm… Nothing much.. Only jalan-jalan cari mkn with my cousin…
We went to Musbee Café.. That is the only one restaurant that can suit us with peninsular environment..Hehe Why on the earth should us compared with peninsular right??
We can’t help it (habit to find fine and very sinful ingredients) because we spend time almost half decade at there..=p
We just love it….That’s all I can say.. And thank God I found her in my life.. I just can get into her mind anytime and anyplace… Since Matriculation we enjoyed our time together…
You cannot resist having a very happy and joyful moment when you have a same head partner right? Window shopping, same fast food addicted and everything…
Ok then…
I just took my Lelong parcel today from Selangor.. It was a COACH wallet and it was very cheap. This is my first time purchased a wallet by myself.. Before this my second sista will complained and purchase it for me.. *grinned*
The look of new wallet compared to the previous one is not very far different… Very likely one.. But since the wallet’s brand was COACH and closer to my name= Khoshikin and I am very happy to grab it!

Haha...Belum buka...penat jln g Pos Ofis g singgah SugarBun dolu...:p

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa......... Simple right? Its Ok..

Thats all... Sorry for the vague image... I can't help it...
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