2:32 PM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Picture Courtesy from Google Image Search


Susahnya nk buat decision kan?

Ble orang suh cari keje aku g cari....

Ble da dapat orang suh lupakan...Macamna itew??

Haih...Apa kata bg aku chance buat decision dlu? Bukan xnk dengar opinion you all but..Hurmm..

Bak kata daddy: "The final decsion is still yours to decide. Whatever your decision, always be answerable to yourself. Do not be afraid to make a decision, right or wrong. We must always learn from our mistakes. But not making a decision is already a wrong decision."

Nah kau....Kalau sume org ckp tunggu la utk the next offer...haih...

Kalau sampai taun dpn tunggu la..then at that time baru nak ckp 2la..np x amik chance dlu...Panngggg!!

10 jari aku tadah untuk tampar...=p

Emo lagi...

How eh? Aih....

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