Right now my Mr Blub still jalan-jalan buang duit masa at Genting Highlands…..Genting? Oh no…I want to be there too with him...Ermphh..but what to do? Only my mind been there for ages but my body not even touch the land of peninsular. That was the worst part had a long distance love… I hope I can end this soon…Because I was being so jealous almost the time he went everywhere in K.L…=p Not my fault..
This was his FIRST TIME ever pegi Genting…Cian=p Orang dah g berpuluh kali..Hikhik
Hurm..but I don’t feel offended actually not to join him because today only for boy-to-boy-talking-leisure time..Fine then…(Insist nak jadi baek..dlm hati..Jeles!=p)
Muka Keriangan Di Kota Keriangan Genting Highlands
Actually he send me A LOT MMS for the whole day activities he had done there….It was kind of relief to have good technology nowadays..Why not 3G teros?Hello…I kan kat kampong…Hehe….I don’t know why, but I’m sure he don’t want me feel “sayang isteri awek di tinggal-tinggalkan”…He kept sms me all the time…Told me what game he had play, how much he spent today…Can I buy Kapal Terbang Mainan…No is my best answer for him…=p
Tak bleh tahan…Terharu a bit..Or maybe you all nye partner mmg mcm tu gak?
There’s a thing here also.. They went to Genting bertiga…So when comes to the game that only have pair seat means by only 2 person, dia akan mengalah. He said korang pegilah maen (dia cte tau)…Then while waiting the other two friends maen dia col kekaseh yg setia nih.. Heran gak kan…maen je la..x yah pair.. But when I asked him why…Batang hidung aku yg terkena…He said..”I ingatkan you la…daripada maen sensorang baik kita maen berdua nnt…” Ahhh…Sweet…Terharu lagi…
He change RM50 for token because he want to get the teddy bear for me…Gosh..I think the only reason he went to Genting just to bought ‘thingS’ for me…=p

Terharu lagik….
He: Nak scarf x?
Me: Eh? Just now u said nak maen salji?
He: Tak jadi la…Jimat duit maen salji..Nak beli souvenier utk u..Wana pink bleh x?
Me: OMG…mestilah nak…(x malu betol…)=p Thanks ye
He: K la..tgh pilih selimut utk nenek plak..
Gulp….I thought kat Genting ingat kekasih je…Nenek pon dia ingat…Baik ati betol…=p
Tonight he’ll going back to KL..He planned to stay overnight at hotel but the other two xde ongkos hati nk tdo otel…so…terpaksalah kembali ke KL semula…aih…I hope Everything’s going to be alright…This entry just especially for him and I was really grateful to have him beside me…He’s not that damn handsome like Malaysia’s Bachelor Toplist but at least he have sincere and faithful heart inside him…Owh…I’m not that Jiwang Type….LOL..
2 Drag some ideas:
Sangat sweet lah ur bf.Bf i, ajak berjuta kali pi Genting, HAMPEHHH! :p
Dia ter over baek...kdg2 rs mcm Queen Control plak..ahaks...
But its ok then...Syukurlah dengan apa yang ada..=p
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