Korang suka donut x?
I just knew about Krispy Kreme from other blogger, PinkStilettos..
Then I saw this video from Youtube...OMG...
Shaq was a basketball player...Badan tagap+macho+ganteng gitu...
Waduh....Korang tgk la video ni....
Everybody loves donut...so do i...
Tapi dia ni...First Lagu Mariah Carey berkumandang aku dh senyum...pas2 tak senyum kambing dah....
Gosh....Having Internet Unlimited with you really makes your day=p
Anyway the title of this video was "Do Not Break Your Diet"....Dia nk makan donut....raba-raba...pegang...nak ngap konon....pas2 x jadi....
Laki macho yang nk constant tough la ni konon.....
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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