That is what Za said for its new product; New Pore Smoother
For those who used the Za Product give it try...
No pores, in no time...Aiyaaah
Before Make up- You can used it as a BASE before applying foundation
For a makeup touch up - You can apply it over the top of your makeup
They have multifunctional product as well. You should try it in the first place because I stick with this product almost in ages!
Kot-kot muka anda sume akan gedebumm macam artis Holywood sebab pakai product omputeh ni?? LOL...~~
Macam tukang advertise plak...=p
Stop about Za...
Last week my sista came from KK for short vacation at home...
She brought few stuff for her wedding reception...Kesian dia...angkut barang dari KL-KK...Then KK-Limbang...What to do?
We all dah survey harga barang-barang kawen d Limbang...It was so damn EXPENSIVE...3x price from KL..
Idup pedalamn x semestinya murah...mahal....Agogogo

Kad Kawen dia...Simple=p


Ya Rabbi....Syukurlah nak...
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