Another activity for the weekend....Last weekend...MakeOver By AdaBeauty.... We (me and my cousin arrived at the place around 10.50am and at that moment there's another two girls waiting for the makeover.. OMG I forgot this makeover session kena ikut appointment and my actual appointment was on Last Friday but I postponed it on Saturday.
We all tunggu la about an hour...Hampeh sungguh...
But all the makeup girls was very friendly until we don't felt bored and exhausted.(muka dh minyak sgt)
The makeup session took about 45minutes/person..We all makeup sama-sama...But to be exact she started the makeup 10 minutes earlier...
The package included 3 Hardcopy only..8R + 5R(same pic) n 1 5R..
The Package cost us RM80.00 dn nak amik softcopy? Tmbah lg RM10 per pic..
Pndai bisnes btol...
So she started the photo shot first...
Malas nk merembling kn diri...Ni gamba guna handphone...The real picture from studion di ambik esok...

After few minutes after she makeup..

Pas tuka appearances, kena la begatal ambik gamba...Ngeeeeeeeeeh ngeeeehhh ...What the point makeup cntik-cntik klu x amik gmba??
Harap maklum ye...
Tapi paling penting Prison Break Season 4 end up with episode 22 and I'm downloading it now!!OMG...Can't wait!
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