10:05 PM

My sunshine is back!

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Love oh love...

Sangat jiwang....Adalah tidak sesuai utk di published...

Oh...He's back to KL yesterday and tomorow he's going back to Terengganu back!

Greattttttttt....Good news huh? I love your job darling!

I just finish his money and I know he got nothing to be mad with..

I'm young and I really know how to shopping at this big city..=p

I cannot be blame=p

I feel like to end up our relationship SOON with marriage...

It's easy....Damn...

2 Drag some ideas:

zeratikah zainal said...

bile nk ajak aku shopping bersama? hehe.
bile ko nak kawen?? kang dh kawen kot lagi meroyan plak bile kapal berlayar. hahaha

Ms Coci~ said...

dah kawen kena ikut ni...xnk aku bjauhan...

lebih afdal berdekatan...btul x??hihi
