See? I told you...
My lusting to new gadget always become reality..
It's not my fault..It's just my older handphone keypad really ruined my life..
Oh my...

Unplanned handphone...
I never asked about this Samsung...I never liked Samsung..Ever but just because my dream handphone which is; Experia 10 function is actually sucks! It doesn't have 3G after all!
Confirm I reject awal2 la...
And this one ada smua function...
My Blub? Dahla singgah kat kedai kamera siap beli Samsung baru..Pastu beli hp bru gk..Xnk kalah tuh...=p
Confirm I reject awal2 la...
And this one ada smua function...
My Blub? Dahla singgah kat kedai kamera siap beli Samsung baru..Pastu beli hp bru gk..Xnk kalah tuh...=p
3 Drag some ideas:
perghhhh.. hp birthday tuu. best x paki samsung? function ok x? hp ko yg mane rosak ni? nokia ke?
aah..actually keypad tenggelam ckit je..hehe..bes weh hp ni..function dia sm ng Iphone 4
pergh..smakin canggih kosh skrg..huhu...bp hinggit tuh?
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