11:44 AM

Should I change my path?

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

I just came back from Setapak; Interview

Baru pas kelentong org2 d company tersebut; which is secret to tell=p

I don't know..The offer is good...But not so good..I mean moderate la..

And they have intention to send me to Pantai Timur site! Oh...Mulut cakap No Problem...Hati cakap OMG! Gilo apo??

Aih...I'm cool with that...Lagipun ramai kawan2 kat Pantai Timur..Kot2 dpt calok suami soleh kat situ..Haha

Should I? Or should not? Xtau!!

Salary? They will give me higher than current salary la..

But I don't know why I feel like I don't want it....I don't know!

2 Drag some ideas:

zeratikah zainal said...

ape?? calon suami??? kontroversi ni. hahaha.. pk la dlu btol2..pro n con. keje baru tu position ape?

Ms Coci~ said...


Aku mmg terfikir nk tuka calon suami nih...

Sm gk position..But seems like AZRB mmg xde mslh bg gaji bp ko nak..
