Awas! Cerita sebenar di hadapan...
It was early in the morning..I saw the same pregnant lady sleeping on the ground at our parking lot...Yesterday she was there too..
Damn seriously...It's not joking man...
Basically, cruel minded like me usually think ; Hey, she's not normal...Let her be...Fine
Then, after breakfast with my colleague; Ina...I saw she's still there and there's a guy standing beside her talking to her...At that moment, makin jahat fikiran aku; Oh...Gatal punya laki...
The guy calling out of my colleague's name and I run away!... Dalam hati apa laki ni nak?Ish
But then I came back to Ina and she told me what happen! Damn it...The guy was my customer by the way; Ahmad Zaki RE...Malu!!
He is so nice and of course la kesian sama itu pompuan..Dhla pregnant 8 bulan..Tido semalaman lagi kat parking lot...OMG! Sila bersihkan evil minded anda!
The lady's name was Saadiah...Local lady which being abandoned by her own mother...Di halau dari umah and her mother persuade her to find for her new born baby's father...
Through what she told us, 8 months ago, there's a guy working at my place; driver truck of course
bagi dia minum ubat, and then raped her...It was 8 months ago for God's sake!
Suspek adalah seperti berikut; Naik kereta Wira hitam, orangnya sedang-sedang saja (it's like dangdut song =p) and last night dia dah jumpa kereta Wira hitam at the parking lot but laki tu mengelak..Terus pecut balik...
Well everybody is going to do the same right? Baru nak naik kereta ada pregnant lady datang dekat with long hair...OMG...Takut!!
Maybe she thought she can live without that guy, she can raise up her new born baby but yet, sapa nak bagi makan minum? Oh damn...
I don't know whether her story is for real or not but she's crying like hell in the time she's talking...
After finish my work at site, coming back to the office and she's not there anymore..
Well...You know...The point is no wonder la a lot of baby kena buang kat semak, kat toilet...Why this thing always happen ah? Salah lelaki ke salah perempuan? Xkn gay or lesbian kot?=p
Kind of scary sebenarnya...Nasib x pnah terima anything from driver lorry...Nauzubillah...
Ladies...Please..Jangan tumpang kereta laki yang x dikenali...
Renung-renung kan lah....
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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