It was yesterday with my Blub of course...
I'm so tempting with the food until I didn't bother to take picture especially the food...
He was saying that I ate like a 'tong sampah'..Everything can fit in...
I don't care what people going to say bout my thousand trip to food corner...Ulang alik macam nak tlg amik kan mknan for 10 people..Hihi=p
The food is so yummy men!
He is on diet actually and me? No diet la..Since we are paying too much money on that buffet..Belasah la nak..

Can you spot where I am? Lampu dia romantik ooo..=p

We didn't bother to wear something glam on that night..But he really insist me to change my blouse...X sesuwai dia cakap...And we are seriously went to Sogo but he end up shopping for himself...
Baju I yang x jumpa pon xpe..Pakai la apa yg ada..Citt
The food is nice and I really ate like Majlis Perbandaran...No string attached=p
Bila nak diet pon xtau...!~~
Happy Ramadhan!
Baju I yang x jumpa pon xpe..Pakai la apa yg ada..Citt
The food is nice and I really ate like Majlis Perbandaran...No string attached=p
Bila nak diet pon xtau...!~~
Happy Ramadhan!
1 Drag some ideas:
hahaha.. diet? xpyh. exercise je. hehe. angkat kiub2 konkrit kt plant tu. bleh dh tubuhkan majlis perbandaran kocikin.
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