6:24 PM

Aku yang berdarah manisss!

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |


Caution! Cerita yang bakal di dendangkan adalah pure & tulen =p (sm mksud kot?=p)

Org kata org brdarah manis ni kena hati2...For me the sentence is nothing...UNTIL

Ari ni ada 2 cerita yg blh dikaitkn ngan drh manis..Ke lain?Ntah la..

1) I went to Jln Pudu site last week on Saturday and as usual I gv my business card to the manager. Then, nk di pendekn cerita mlm sabtu 2 ada SMS msuk dn org nk bekenalan.As usual x di lyn..

Then this morning the manager called me and said I was very sombong...Erkkk? Bila ms aku brkwan ngn org tua? Then he said I nvr reply his text msg..Baru teringat mamat yg knon nk bkenalan...Bluekkkk..Full stop

2) I just come back from jogging at Tasik Permaisuri..Dan seperti biasa pas joging wat sit up..Tym smpi kt tmpt sit up there's a Negro guy tgh guna..So I waited...Then dia blah aku pn guna..

Fuhh..10x da x thn...Kiki

Then balik ke kete..Rupanya Negro punya kete blkg kete aku je..Dia panggil 10x aku x dgr..Aku asyik haaaa haaaa haaaa je..Mmg pekak badak..Then aku pn g kt kete dia..Tp jauh ckit..tkut dia sembur ubat dagu..=p

"Do you speak English?" = Negro

"Yes, of course." = Me

"Ok..let me get straight.I really like you for the first time I saw you...Are you married?" = Negro

"Not yet" = Me

"Ok..So when I can see you again?" = Negro.

Aku da angkt kaki nk larii...Dia jerit lg..

"Plz...Plz...I really want to see you" = Negro...

Ohh...aku pk klu aku x bg jwpn ada plak di kejar nya kete aku nnt...

"Tomorrow can...Same place & time" = Me yg bengong...

Hahahaha...Pas2 dia blah aku msuk kete n tnang kan diri...Whuddaa??OMG..Inikah petunjuk org brdarah manis?

What say you?Boring nya....

1 Drag some ideas:

zeratikah zainal said...

u shud say: i not married yet but i am gayyy! smbil buat muke xselera tgk laki. hahahaha
