Hi guys..
Sorry for the lack updates recently..
I tried to write something that really motivated me and readers but I couldn't found any.
Working sometimes can be painful to me. Maybe past year back it was really devastated but now it was nearly killing me.
I couldn't find me time frequently just like before. I didn't found any house for us yet. I don't know where to stay. I don't hv any ideas!
Try to pick any house at any place but I was entirely have no idea where is the right place to stay in KL.Seriously...Any idea? Except kubur ok?=p
Wedding ticker is frightening me a lot..I know I have to settle everything before my wedding and I'm alone to handle every situation cause Blub was not here to help me with the things. Still in Bintulu..
Thank God my housemate found a good place to swallow my restless body..We spent time at Border at the Garden Mall and read a lot of books. But most of the time we read the books in Starbucks which located inside the Border.
Normally I race home from work and waiting for Maghrib prayer before we end up in Border. Read a lot of books while watching a traffic outside the glass window relaxing my mind a lot. I wish I can do this everyday. Maybe I should start build my own bookshelves=p
This is not me.What I need now is a full cup of motivation, sweet counseling for my gloomy life, and comfy hugs from my mom to cure my sadness..
Kawen? I try to think about it..Currently there's no space for it..So sad!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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