Seperti yang di war-war kan di dalam FB sy, I would like to invite you all to my wedding as per mention 2 months ago=p
Majlis nikah pada 28 May akan diadakan di Limbang Sarawak dan keesokannya will be my reception.
Untuk sambut menantu plak, akan di adakan 11 Jun 2011 di Paka Terengganu.
Kalau korang rasa Sarawak tu jauh, feel free to come to Terengganu=p
As far as I'm concern, my wedding day was in the middle of school holiday..
And if you guys can spent time to attend my wedding, it will be my pleasure.
Anyone who need a map, location or specifically a Wedding Invitation Card, sila lah anta address through my email at or drop your address through a comment.
I just wonder if my Blub realize that he didn't buy his wedding ring yet... far preparation mmg x terurus..Aihh..
Currently my Blub ada kat Bintulu..Hopefully dia sempat dtg kt Sarawak utk jbt tgn ngn tok kadi..=p
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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