Hi people!
Ermm...Bulan baru dah mariii...What??May is coming babeh!
Means lg sbulan aku nk jd bini org..
Brg persiapan kawen x cari abis g!
Bridesmaid pnya bju pon x cari lg..
Dulu bz sgt searching for accessories kawen..Skrg ni bz browsing pasal home decor..
Gilo apo..Anyway I just paid deposit to my new landlord..So far we (me n my future laki) hv decided to rent a house until he can settle and finish his project at Bintulu..
So, there's a lot of complication searching for a house..I mean perfect house for him..For me what I need is a high rise building ( then aku x yah risau n takut duk sorng2 pas kawen) n clean house..That's all..
Tp Blub punya keinginan punya la susah..Nak 2 parking..Nak rumah...Xnak apartment or condominium..Nak bilik bwh 1 bji..Nak kitchen kabinet..Ambik ko..
Mn la aku nk cri umah mcm 2..Harga plak nak yg berpatutan..
Aku pnat2 je main ambik je umah kat Puchong..It's a new house..Org x pnah dduk..Renovated house..1400ft house..Besar gle! 4 rooms and 3 bathrooms...Parking pon byk..Haha..
Pendek kata sume apa yg dia nk ada kt umah 2..
Skrg ni aku tgh bz nk hias umah plak..Grrr..Brg kawen x abis cri g nyah!
I wish I can hire wedding planner + interior designer utk umah baru..
X larat la nk wat suma..
Btw, any friends yg dtg KL sila lah berkunjung ke rumah sy..Sy slalu keseorangan..Dgn umah yg besar 2, blh la kita main msk2, main guli, bbq pon blh!!Sob Sob..
I feel nerves..
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
1 Drag some ideas:
confirm aku dtg melawat! haha. smalam aku gi pwtc wei. tpi so nynyuk lupe nk contact ko. T_T
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