I know my topic is kind of sarcastic but it's the reality of my life and others women out there..=p
It's hard being left behind...From my experience (well I'm not married yet) when they reached their destination of their project, their project is number 1..Their project is their priority of life..
I'm giving a thought to be a Founder of Mrs - Offshore Man=p
Ntah ada org nk register ke x?=p
"Why is love intensified by absence?"
Kadang2 sakit jiwa..And the best solution that I can do is I work until I'm tired..
But I try to think it logically..Bahagia kah aku? X gila ke klu asyik keje?
There's always a cure for this un-happiness life that I faced with;
1) Shop till you drop! Kaki da lebam, jalan pon da senget sebelah bru balik ok..
2) Watch movieS - Alone or with your friends..But usually I watched alone..
3) Manicure & Pedicure..
4) SPA; Massage, Facial, Sauna..
5) Saloon; Trim, wash, treatment, and wash again and again until you satisfied with your hair (even tho your hair is naturally ok=p)
6) Spend your leisure time at Border ,The Garden (While having Hot Choc Starbucks) and read lots of book perhaps; How to be a good wife?=p
7) Try not to be alone at home (no kids); call for your colleague or ex-school mate and invite them for tea-time chit chat..
I have a lot of things to be shared here but most important is; your far-far-away love knew about this activities and no men-involved in every activities that you spent time with..
Of all 7 activities that I list above, all of it need a lot of money..$$$..But if they (offshore-man) think wisely about the purpose why they leave us rather than work in office hours, they won't say CANNOT to those activities..
It doesn't mean that you become their wife your life will turn to miserable, suffering, or sadness but smart girl think twice..Rather than spent time at home and crying for their attention, flash back all the memories that we spent time before, their short disappear from our life is the opportunity for us to improve our beauty!
Betul x? If they try to question us, just give a simple answer; I cantik utk u tauu..U blk u nk tgk I cantik ke buruk? Indeed..
But make sure their effort, struggle keje jauh2 korang g abiskan x tinggal 1 sen pon..Manusia ke ape 2? Hehe
Berpada2 la kawan...Ok?
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
2 Drag some ideas:
carikkan aku offshoreman sorang, nti aku join club ko jd naib presiden. ok? ;p
bengong ko...
nnt ko kerinduan dong...
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