1:02 PM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

It's been a long time till I blogging again here..

And I wondered how some of other blogger can blogging every hour=p (time bz nk blogging..time x keje...nk keje...isk)

Some of my activities last and this week...~


I went for Sime Darby interview yesterday and it was totally packed!bhushuk bau ketia*k...and whatnot...

After that Mimi anta pegi Summit USJ...Tgk wayang...Transformer!Blast! OMG..Bes la..And I'm wondering again how on earth they are doing that movie..

Have you see that movie?

Picture updated~

Welcome to Papa John Pizza...Ops...

Skrg da pkai inner kt dlm....That uniform that they gave me was Small Siza but what I need is Medium Size Please!

Sime Darby interview....=(

X gerun lngsung nak pegi interview...ahaks!Bosan giler...

Roti tisu yg sgt pjg...3 plate to cover the whole that thing..RM6

Lip Ice Finalist...Jauh...

I need to sleep early and for the next picture will be updated when I'm free...

Darn! Internet was really slow!

7:51 PM

LipIce Contest Finalist!

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |


Tadi time nak pegi keje there's a cobaan 1,2,3 for Lip Ice contestant...There's 12 finalsit there and only 2 girls wearing scarf...

I tercarik2 kot ada blogger yg I knal..

Xde pon..

I x sempat tgk tadi sapa yg menang..


Age range for the finalist; 15-25 yrs old...

I loike 1 finalist and I couldn't remeber her name but she's wearing tudung and she is 25 yrs old and a secreatary..

I like watching her..her style n etc....

Sapa menang????

I'll update the pic later~

4:13 PM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |


There's a sound that really irritate me: drilll....drillll.....drilllll...from upstairs and it was really annoying!!!

Arghh....Sorry for being messed up here but the sound of tukang drill above really depressed me...

Awww.....Oh..shut up!!

Eeeee.....PMS mmg menyusahkan...orang drill pon nk mrh..psg la lagu weh kuat2...

Buka radio?Ermmm lagu MJ je yg brkumandang...Boring..

Aishhh....Stop please!!I'm begging you idio*!


What to do?I need to rearrange my life to become snippets-super massive-colourful-enjoy lifestyle...

How?Now...we need a list!And also I really need to motivated myself....Smile always..

Come and start!~

8:21 AM

When Pop Star died

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Buka laptop pagi2...wahh..Our Former Pop Star Michael Jackson dies in hospital in LA..

He was just 50 yrs old this year...Poor him..Ingat tarikh MJ died ( Thursday-25/6/09)

Korang dgr la radio...any radio..even at Sinar Fm..ada orang call and then nangis2..like Michael Jackson was her brother..

When MJ died:

  • People gathered outside of the hospital LA
  • People crying and bersedih ati nak mampus
  • W/pun dia pnah wat mcm2 plying the boy with alcohol & groping him but STILL million of his craziest fans shouted at him like the day he died
  • King of Pop gone~
Even though he always freaking me out about his freakish figure, but his greatest comeback in every concert or what so eva shown me that his appearance never effected him as long as he can sing and sing and entertained people out there.....

I will always remember you MJ!!

So guys...you have Michael Jackson memories?Share here....

4:45 PM

Silent Joke

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Fuhh.....ponet nya balik kerja...

You guys wat pe ari ni...

I came home..mandi manda and did anything reasonable and on my lappy..

As usual I relaxed my mind gode2 at Ohbulan.com and found this:)

You guys know what the stories behing this Monahara girl right??

Please click the picture to enlarge..Pic credit to blog yang amat serius
Aiyoo.....kalau la admire sgt cover2 la ckit cik abg oi.....

Nak tkeluar bijik mata nu hah.....


Enjoy people....Stressed? Get over it....

7:57 AM

Entry bergambar

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Sharing is caring....Jom Streamyx...Erk..Iklan huh?

I just transfered all my ancient pictures in my HP..


Ari ni kerja...my first day working..I nvr working before and I hope it will give me long-lasting good memories ever~!

Sorry for the unassigned picture like usual..malas..

This picture taken while followed my lullaby (Mr Blub) to Oil & Gas Exhibition..Baju kurung nyah??Baru balik interview mak enon oi...

Award for Jakunest Person since I spent my 4 years-degree in Pahang..Never have been here before..Baru nak kenal Restoran Santai..sorry..x clear sgt gambo

Undesirably picture~ Tgh duduk kat Sogo..penat jln while waiting for him balik kerja..And this 3 guys 'LEPAK' like me time also!Xde kerja ke bang?=p

Cute isn't it?LOL...~~

My most favorite 'LEPAKING' time...read for free?Latest mag?Stay here...=p

Arghhh~~~New Moon in progressed......

Yesterday punya diet meal=p

Cute round table..Beli lah barangan Malaysia!

That's all babe...See ya...Need to get ready now..

5:27 PM

Lost In Track?

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Haha....Plan punya byk bagai nk pegi sn la...pegi cni la..

It's true when people said don't planned anything behind his back..=p It's going not worth it at all!!

Hi everybody...(baru nk intro=p)

I just set my mind on the track..home now..baru balik dari Kuantan...

From my previous post (if you read that) I've told you that my Mr Blub will going to Paka today..Ops...yesterday..

Dan semalam after have a short meeting (love meeting..not dating) with him he refused to send me back home but directly to Kuantan..haha

X bawa baju..inner outer clothes (u got it right) and straight to Kuantan...

Aih....It's an emergency plan..Speaking of which my planning was totally burn!

He left me early this morning..I do understand he need to work..work...and work..aih...

Penat..Ouh...how I wish I can see him now..Blub!=p

Am going to start working tomorrow....Please come and drop by at Times Square yeah...

My current mood: So In Love

My current favourite song: Hatin in The Club by Rihanna

My current book reading: New Moon (Oldest btol...perhaps can finish the Eclipse and Breaking Down immediately)

5:27 PM

Lost In Track

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

4:11 PM

Harus ka?

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Tut....tut...a message have been receiveeeeeddd..

"Malam ni abg pack2..pagi sok kua awal....amik adik....service kereta...dating....anta adik...then balik Paka.."

Harus ke membuat planning yang sebegitu?Ermm...Teringat planning Edward dalam Twilight..Pagi-pagi nk jumpa c Bella...~

Mr Blub nk tinggalkan si Comel kekasih hati nya ini..huhu...

Nak pegi laut Tangkap Ikan site visit eh?Kira la platform tu..ukur elok2...ada lebih minyak bawak balik...Ok...pegila..byk ckit duit...leh tlg Pow byr hutang nnt...=p

Owh...how I nak idup this few days? a week??LOL..hati berdegup kencang...nak fikir nk enjoy mana sorng2...=p

Harus kah berfikir mcm g2?Sorry....

2:55 PM

Speak Up Malaysia!!

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

I'm writing about ths whole thing because I think Malaysia (Malaysian or maybe the out comers that stayed at Malaysia) need changes..Being a quite citizen is good but in the same time do you think your silence will make benefit to our development? Our achievement for 2020-way-to success?

There are 2 points that I will speak up about Malaysia which are the first one is about PIRACY..

Stop the piracy and you can become one of the developer to our Malaysia..

Piracy? Hey..it's cheap one..why you bring up this matter? Yeah..I know everyone in this planet love to bought the cheap materials or maybe cheap stuff..Who did not right? Me included..

But..did you think the producer or the actress love being a piracy model?They are commercial people who had feeling towards dignity. If everybody support the piracy and no body going to purchased the original DVD/CD the economic in this film or entertainment sector will not increasing..Support original and you may have the satisfaction with the quality of the video.

Thus who still not agreed with that, better you step into cinema and watch the movie by yourself inside without cursed yourself buying the cheap skate..

The second issues was about lack of DUMB SITE in Kuala Lumpur?

I went to Taman Connought last month and I saw this interesting-responsible-hilarious rubbish collector..

Hello.....What on earth do you think you done? Do you think that is the correct place for threw the rubbish? Hell no right?

Yeark...It's dirty though to be the one of citizen in Malaysia if this matter-of-fact did not overcome by authorities..

Or maybe I'm the one who embroiled in controversy?

I don't know..Correct me if I'm mistaken about this matter. But for me..that 'thing' was totally wrong in our lifestyle..

Why I bring this matter up? Because in the end I'm the one of KL people that drink the water..I guess the taste will be not as the rubbish taste as well but at least...I did not want to see this thing is becoming more serious in front of me.. Yeark...Tak geli ke?


I'm not in the good healthy condition recently and I guess it came from unhealthy water huh?

What do you think people?
