Dah lama bersenyap kn diri....And I think I don't have a strength to write here..
Hurmm xde mood la..
I asked permission from my supervisor leave office on Thursday and on that day was my last day for my practical...Oink...oink..But before leave sempat lagi shake hand dengan Bos-bos and as usual their questions was "Bila nak nikah?"
Ingat pas abis balaj trus kawen ke??
On Friday konfem monfem la x pegi keja..
Started on Saturday my sister Nikah on 10am and I was really busy like a weeeeee weeeeee on that day...
Busy works as baby sister actually..Huhu..
I'm comfortally said this boy was a disaster..
While we all jalan-jalan shopping for the Walimatul urus...And his role was? Nak beli tuh...nak mainan nih...Nak belon tuh...!Isk...
Bunga pahar/bunga telor whatsoeva....~

But as for now Afiq was not here anymore. Dah di angkut smula p Lawas..Bosan betol..Sunyi umah...=p Time dia ada di kutuk-kutuk time xda di rindu-rindu...

Bunga pahar/bunga telor whatsoeva....~
My sister's theme for the wedding was maroon and pink..So everything insdie my house 80% was in maroon colour...
Dah jadi macam umah untuk shooting Twilight/ New Moon=p
Every part of my house was in Dark Red ( Blood) color..Which I think my house darker than before..
Time berdebar nih....Aku pn ikut bedebar...hehe
Khutbah Tok Kadi pjg sgt...
Me during nikah
Me during sanding on Sunday
Dah jadi macam umah untuk shooting Twilight/ New Moon=p
Every part of my house was in Dark Red ( Blood) color..Which I think my house darker than before..

Time berdebar nih....Aku pn ikut bedebar...hehe
Khutbah Tok Kadi pjg sgt...

And also my sister need to respect eldest; My grandparents, auntie, uncle and after give three times bow they will receive Extra Ang Pow...Hurmm...
Chinese rules anyway...Its not necessary/compulsary either to this event..Just to fulfill my grandparents request..
I chi kong......Liang chi kong....San chi kong.....
Chinese rules anyway...Its not necessary/compulsary either to this event..Just to fulfill my grandparents request..

I chi kong......Liang chi kong....San chi kong.....
Overall banyak lagi gmba nk di upload....Cuma rasa malas nak upload...Later k....
See ya...
See ya...
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