Last nite me, Mr Blub and my big sister went to OU..
My sister jadi Camera Women=p
Yesterday was the day-to-impose-myself-to-became the lazy ass the most..Pretty well we have nothing to do at home..Except me..Surfing internet 12 hours..
Until...5pm my Mr Blub text me and asked if I'm healthy to move again like normal pretty young lady..=p Nak ajak jenjalan la tuh..
I pon apa lg...ajak my sister la pegi OU because I knew that's the only place my Mr Blub convenient to go after working hours..
Guess what??I watched movie AGAIN!X insap kn?sakit-sakit pon tgk wyg lagik...terketar lagi baru tau....=p Isk..
Anyway everything is going well..To be exact;Pretty Well.. No body shaking...Only shaking when it comes to the funniest part in the movie..
Tengok movie pe??
Wah...x sangka My Blub2 tgk cita girly-girly nih...Dia ckp lyn je la...cuci mata..
The movie?Ok..or maybe quite good for teenager=p
You should go and see this movie girls!!! And fyi Miley Cyrus dah jadi Young Billionaire!!
Healthy Purchased Last nite=p..
Last nite me, Mr Blub and my big sister went to OU..

Yesterday was the day-to-impose-myself-to-became the lazy ass the most..Pretty well we have nothing to do at home..Except me..Surfing internet 12 hours..
Until...5pm my Mr Blub text me and asked if I'm healthy to move again like normal pretty young lady..=p Nak ajak jenjalan la tuh..
I pon apa lg...ajak my sister la pegi OU because I knew that's the only place my Mr Blub convenient to go after working hours..
Guess what??I watched movie AGAIN!X insap kn?sakit-sakit pon tgk wyg lagik...terketar lagi baru tau....=p Isk..
Anyway everything is going well..To be exact;Pretty Well.. No body shaking...Only shaking when it comes to the funniest part in the movie..
Tengok movie pe??
Wah...x sangka My Blub2 tgk cita girly-girly nih...Dia ckp lyn je la...cuci mata..
The movie?Ok..or maybe quite good for teenager=p
You should go and see this movie girls!!! And fyi Miley Cyrus dah jadi Young Billionaire!!

2 Drag some ideas:
alu juak serius muka blub kau ya koh
Nya nang x pnah senyum..
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