1:21 PM

5 star

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

5 star life...

Updated by me...at C12G05

[1] What 5 star food I got here? Makanan Cafe...4 years ate in same cafe..Nobody dares to complained or maybe there's no others choice?=p

[2] 5 star bed....Hostel bed..double decker..Arghh...relieve..Best sgt keww??=p

[3] 5 star internet connection...Bapak punya laju wireless UMP?Buka youtube je kuar ayat-ayat cinta dari UMP..Owh...di block rupanya..

[4] 5 star love....5 star ke becinta ngn abg kafe?Hehe..boleh thn...at least he still remember me and myself=p

[5] 5 star holiday....Best ke holiday d UMP?Mcm travel pegi Paris eh?Shopping di cafe...cuci mata tgk student China..=p

Have ya ll watched Hannah Montana The Movie?? I did...Best wooo...Banyak lagu...at least if you bring guy/boipren/hubby/straight forward man la dorng xkn trtido...

I gave this movie 5 star la..because I keep browsing about New Young Billionaire Miley Cyrus kat tenet..

I love this song...Enjoy

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