Hiyaa toodles.......Aik..Sjak bila nih..=p
Where I am now?
Bertolak dari umah around 7am and arrived at Kota Kinabalu 2pm...
Tired...I'm tired being F1 driver~
I got a lot of pictures but my handphone still in charging and of course my lazy as* refused to help me to transfer the pictures..
I tdo berdua malam ni..Ops...bertiga..Plus with my sister's bestfren..She fly from KL tonite..
Aktiviti?Alamak...Penat la nyahh...Driving jauh giler!Mata pon xnk bukak dah..
Ermm...Tapi mlm nih nak mkn free lagik..Nama pon husband my sis own restaurant at Waterfront..Pe lagik...=p Sorry Bro...Jual nama..=p Tolong advertise nih=p
With a 3G full line in this hotel I berbesar hati mendownload kn Prison Break 23 & 24...~
For those that planned/planning to come here (Sabah) I suggest you not to stay here...Hehe
The Hotel? Excellent!
The room services? Excellent too..
But the convenience to jalan-jalan cari makan I will give only 12%...
Yela...duduk tmpat orang...xde kete kan susah nk bejalan...
Inperial Mall Hotel/ Tang Dynasty look quite ok...Or maybe Promenade Hotel...
Banyak la...Sabah sekarang x macam dulu dah...Ramai gila org...
Lazy.... I'll update the pictures later k~~
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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